Cooperstown Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh said, “Our Village is incredibly excited to move forward with all these wonderful projects selected by Governor Hochul! The mix of public, private, and arts oriented projects will be truly transformative to our small community which...
CONTACT: Stefan Lutter, Revitalization Specialist Phone: 1 (315) 728-4267 Email: October 16, 2023, Cooperstown, NY – The Local Planning Committee (LPC) for the Cooperstown New York Forward (NYF) program will hold its fifth meeting on...
Village of Cooperstown to Hold Third Local Planning Committee Meeting for the NY Forward Strategic Investment PlanCONTACT: Stefan Lutter, Revitalization Specialist Phone: 1 (315) 728-4267 Email: August 9, 2023, Cooperstown, NY – The Local...
CONTACT: Danny Lapin, AICP, Revitalization Specialist 1 New York State Department of StateOffice of Planning, Development and Community InfrastructurePhone: 518-948-7603Email: June 22, 2023, Cooperstown, NY – The Village of Cooperstown today...
May 24, 2023, Cooperstown, NY- The Village of Cooperstown was selected by the MohawkValley Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) to receive a $4.5 million award fromNew York State through the NY Forward (NYF) program. Investment from this program willallow...